an Under Armour Grassroots Program supporting UA RISE, UA FUTURE & Academic UA Products for Boys & Girls
The season begins 11/1/24 runs thru 3/12/25 (20 Weeks).
Boys & Girls Teams
(3rd thru JV Players)
Players will have opportunities to play with multiple teams in league play, tourneys, and shootouts.
Player fees for winter are DUE Now!
All players will need to order a uniform as well and have been sent informati0on to do so through constant contact.
ROSTERS will be relesed on THURSDAY during the day through TEAM SNAP ... Please make sure you check as several players will be listed on MULTIPLE TEAMS.
All events for games should have been loaded into Team Snap for your review and attendance responses.
Most specific game schedules are finalized on THURSDAYS before the weekend events.
Parents should RSVP to the games as soon as possible so we can know if we need to find additional players.
We will send emails confirming rosters when subs are needed so we dont have too many players ... ANY PARENT THAT CHANGES THERE NO TO A YES FOR A GAME NEEDS TO CONTACT COACH ADAMS or WILSON before just showing up o to a game.
Players and rosters can be combined in an effort to insure we have plenty of players for a game.
Our athletes will be tested by Basic Athletic Mesuarement & receive a BAM Score. This score will be reported back to each athlete individually with a development plan to improve - along with local comparative data. Next date COMING IN MARCH 2025.
We will offer a series of clinics, and skills enhancement programs for our athletes at a discounted rate. These events will be loaded into TEAM SNAP and announced after the season has begun.
We plan to have 8-10 players at games if we can to enhance playtime experiences. Parents will be required to respond to Team Snap. Maybes, no responses will be marked as "NO's" - and players won't be allowed to just show up.